Géraldine Javoy was born and bred on a French vineyard in the Loire Valley. Her first love being art history, she went off to Paris to study in the École du Louvre and worked in the art world for a number of years. Her husband, Daniel Emerson climbed the corporate ladder , starting in print , then meandered through online software development and media agencies before an abrupt change brought him back to the family homestead and orchard in Nohoval with Géraldine and their young family.
In 2010, with the help of Géraldine, Daniel founded Stonewell Cider, the first Irish craft cider in Ireland. So began his cider making journey and his discovery of the extraordinary breadth and depth of the cider making world. Stonewell is now well established across Ireland and a number of European countries. Daniel also chairs Cider Ireland, the Association of Independent Irish Cider Makers and recently took up the position of Vice President of the European Cider Association (AICV).
Géraldine has since branched out into her own brand-Nohoval Apple wines. A truly Irish wine which captures complex tannin and floral flavours from its solely Irish grown apples.
Together they have catapulted the humble apple to new heights.
In this episode, Daniel and Géraldine educate us on all things cider and apple wine, the perpetual motion of research and design, maintaining a strong profile, the collaborative nature of the craft drinks industry, sustainability and rebuilding & growing their businesses after the pandemic.
About this podcast
Date: 02/03/2022
Duration: 28:52 mins
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